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The Complete Life Of Hunter Rayne Uriarte

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Hunter Man Video Series

For Christmas '08 I made a video of Hunter's Life Story. When the video became 10 minutes long, that was my first clue that I might become That Guy. That dad trying to find the perfect light to film every diaper change, or whatever. Honey, it's Orange! Let's blog! (Email if you want those photos. Seriously).

I remember watching the click-clacking soundless videos of my mom's family projected on my grandparent's wall when I was a kid. They annoyed me. Papa in his long-shorts boxers and no shirt and my grandma in her formal dress and hair all made up, my mom and uncle flitting around some old brownstone with dusty old ladies in horn-rimmed glasses, indelible images flickering away against a soft brown, faded wall. But as with all things, I am sure, as I got older I began to appreciate those memories even more, and when they were finally archived onto a DVD, many years later, we watched them again as a family. That's cool.

Now, I have this for Hunter, and I am sure he will be salty about it like I was. Just as I am sure Heather's month would be made if she came home one day and found me sobbing joyously over our wedding video but I am not That Guy. (Although I do almost cry time every time I see my drivel, er, rambling wedding "speech" and try to comprehend what the heck was going on there.)

This year, we watched the Hunter Man movie as a family for Christmas after we got back from the Pattersons. I was not in just my boxers during the making of this film. Hopefully you will enjoy in spite of the typos...

Looks like I had to post this in parts.
Part 1:

part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

A special thank you to my beautiful and talented wife, Rayne Droplet, for consenting the use of these videos.

1 comment:

  1. This morning while listening to the news about the "End of the world as we know it", I watched this precious little video and realized that the world is and will always be perfect, because of our children.
